Forgive My Rambling... is a collection of audio-logs from my Star Wara character, Nyx-Warda, on Starsider. The logs were originally posted on, in the Journals section, where I'm just one of many roleplayers who posts stories from the character's point of veiw.
The purpose of the journal is to document events in RP (Roleplay), and provide a little inside insight to the character. The events referenced in the journal are things that happened in RP, with a couple things added (Such as the stand-alone scenes and dream-sequences, or the interactions between my own characters) that help flesh out the story. Keeping an in-character journal also gives me the ability to let other players in on my characters' thoughts and feelings on an OOC level, without having to reveal them on an IC level. Also, journaling helps players who have been out-of-game or otherwise out-of-touch keep up on the character's story. IC journaling is both fun and functional, and I highly reccomend it to any roleplayer or writer.