Monday, August 29, 2011

Entry #19

   I'm gonna die, and my conscience is gonna kill me. Why can't I just say "no" when someone asks for help? Why do I have to do such stupid and risky things? Why do I have to put so damned much faith in redemption? That voice in my head says "You should have killed him, and had it done with when you had the chance." and not all of me disagrees with it. Yet.. if I really mean a thing when I say it, I cannot go back on my word. I meant it when I said I would try to help him if I could, and if he came to me for it.

   Sure enough, he came to me at the most inoppertune time imaginable. I had hardly recovered from my own battle when he contacted me. Through the force, yet- something he said he was lucky to even be able to do. I told him to come to me- to blindfold himself, and follow the force. I could have given him the coordinates just as easily, but I would rather not take the chance that his boss should see the record in whatever instrument he was using to navigate. Better safe than sorry. Besides, after a certain point the signal scramblers would mess with his Galactic Positioning System scince he's not plugged into the network. My way was more accurate.

   Afterward, Muaarga was just coming out of his meditation. He was saying something about an Ewok shaman who was... training him in the dreamscape? I didn't know that could happen, but anything is possible. It was in interesting concept. It was like.. crossed between a reality and a dream in the sense that the two could communicate through long distances. Yet at the same time, the "reality" was a dream, and followed the same rules as a dream. It was interesting, but hard to understand.

*She takes a few minutes thinking it over. That's the best she can do to describe it right now, she decides, and she continues the recording.*

   Soon, I sensed Oretto was near. In case I haven't said before, that's the name of the man seeking my help- the one with the multiple personalities. My get-my-blue-behind-out-of-trouble instinct kicked in as I realized I should probably have asked if I was fit to do such a thing. No sooner did I begin to ask, than I heard him calling from outside the door. He rushed into the control room, where the door was still unlocked from when I came in. There was no time to question anything, as right in front of us all his "better half" took over. I took off my gloves, and delivered a critical drain of energy to weaken him. Lawrence caught me, as my senses overloaded for a moment, keeping me away from Oretto- or rather Ark, scince that apperantly is the name of the "better half" -as he lashed out. Muaarga kept Ark under control, holding him back, and pinning him with the force.

   When I recovered my senses, Ark was on the ground, and I quickly explained what was going on. He was weakened, and I jumped down there to try to contact Oretto- at least make him aware of what was going on. Well.. Oretto was back, but again Ark was gone. It wouldn't do. He needed to confront Ark, not avoid him. This is where the "Stupid and risky" comes in. I temporarily linked minds with him, just like I did with Ri by the poolside, guiding Oretto to distance himself from Ark, and taunting Ark, luring him toward me. Just before he reached me, the connection was severed, and Ark was caught between, and fled the Sanctuary. He still exists, but at least he is.. seperated.. from Oretto.

*The microphone muffles, shifting positions as the woman leans back with a sound that's half a sigh, and half a groan.*

   ...which leaves us with Oretto.

   After it was over, he asked to speak with me. He asked me to train him. To be honest, I almost refused. I don't trust him. I don't even think I like him. Still, he insisted he would be commited to it, saying he would do anything I asked. I was within an ace of telling him to start walking, when I remembered the circumstance. Ark still exists, and could still prey on Oretto. He has to become stronger than Ark, so he can resist him, and possibly, defeat him someday. So... I agreed. He doesn't have to be my friend. He doesn't even have to be my partner. I told him that if he wanted my trust he would have to earn it. For now.. we will do our duty. May the force guide me in this.



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