Monday, August 29, 2011

Entry #27

   Always safe in Virantis... always safe... 

   It took me a few days to take off my armor... then my helmet... then some more of my extra gear. I still wear my knives... carry my staff.. my poisons.. to ask me to remove these would be like asking me to remove my right arm. I have learned to take my gear off when I go to bed...  but I still sleep with a gun under my pillow. It's been so long scince I've been.. safe. Can I handle safe?

   I feel I should be doing something. Anything. I need Virantis more than it needs me, I think I'm sure of it. I have been in combat once scince I arrived- I was nearly useless, and told to hide behind Fath and Vearos during the attack. I threw smoke and mirror tricks, hiding a bolt of lightning when the situation would allow, but overall it seemed my aid was minimal. I hardly touched the enemy. Until then I had been of the mind that maybe.. maybe I could pay my debt to them by joining their security force. Now it seems to me that.. that I am dead weight. It feels so wrong.

*She breathes a sharp sigh. The springs creak as she leans off the bed, and pulls her staff toward her hand to pull herself up.*

   I think I need to step out for some air. *A rustling can be heard as she shrugs on her leather duster. Clink. Clink. She drops some pepper-root to brew in her tea-bottle before she heads out.* Stop thinking for a while. Come back for tea.



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