Monday, August 29, 2011

Entry #61

*You can hear the sounds of meat sizzling and fire crackling in the background*

   Beaten, but not defeated. Those were the words I used, when a few of us composed the message to be sent through the White Thunder network, regarding recent events. Dasha came back. She and her men attacked the base. At first, we didn't know what was going on. A shuttle crashed right in front of the Sanctuary, and Dosni and I went out to investigate. There seemed to be survivors. Dosni said they looked dead. They felt dead, yet they walked like men. I was inclined to think, at first, that they were droids..  or perhaps wearing amulets of Taozin skin..  Yet in the back of my mind I knew that it was different. The Taozin only disrupts and masks the sense of the force, and the droid isn't alive to begin with. This was the sense of death.. and..   something else.

   We would soon find what else.

   The survivors.. those creatures..  engaged us soon enough. They emitted an unnatural noise that shattered the windows of the temple and the Santuary, and attacked with the strength of a large wookiee, rather than the frail human bodies they seemed to have. No sooner did Dosni and I force them back, than Zan showed up. He was able to shed some light on the situation- said that this was some sort of blackwing. He had already contracted the virus, but had synthesized some sort of suppressant that could mask the symptoms just enough to sustain a body through a fight. No sooner was this stimpack distributed than the transport exploded, spreading that horrid blackwing everywhere, and providing Dosni and I another near-miss to add to our tallies. Well..  I have a talli, but if Dosni hadn't, he could start one.

   I awoke in the medical dome. Oddly enough, Dosni was healing me, and Zan was employed elsewhere. I didn't know where. I panicked. I could feel the virus all around me, and I tore out of the medical dome, and went to the crash site. Dosni followed me, and we tried to figure out what to do. I tried draining the life from the living virus itself, as I could sense it. Such efforts were ineffective, and only made it stronger. I tried choking it out by draining and killing its foodscource of small lifeforms in the grass that could be carriers. Still it was only made stronger. Moreso, my efforts attracted it, and made it attack me more viciously. I backed away, having tried everything I know. Dosni suggested we light it on fire, but it had already been lit on fire. He suggested, in turn, that we attempt to purge the virus with extreme cold temperature. We called in Tech. Baldwin from the Armory to bring out a couple of cryoban grenades.

   We didn't have time to test his theory, scince Zan came through the base rushing everyone to the Citadel. He had Wefi and Dasha with him, as well. She had called in some TIE bombers, and they pummeled the base into ruins by the time we got inside. Dasha, meanwhile, was held captive in the quarters with Wefi watching over her. Baldwin checked teh state of the base on the moniters. Not good. Zan Jerry-rigged some kind of retaliation that stopped the TIEs, but the damage had been done. Now, there was some commotion where Dasha was being held. Zan and Dosni went inside- Dasha had killed herself. She wouldn't or couldn't be healed, though force knows why they tried. *There is obvious resentment in her voice when she speaks of Dasha.* They took a sample of her blood- at some point she had used an antivirus on herself, and they hoped to reverse engineer it.

*There is a bit of a pause or a miss-step in her speech. It almost seems as if she's leaving something out.*

   After we had cleared the cell, and were preparing to move the body, Dasha began to move again. Her body was re-animated after death, somehow, by the virus. Zan called it a "Zombie". I didn't know what to call it, but it had the same unnatural strength and ear-shattering battle cry as the creatures from the crashed shuttle. Zan reactivated the ray-sheilds, and re-routed the fuel lines into the water pipes in the room. The room filled with water..  then a leak of fuel which he set on fire, burning Dasha and room. Fire burnt out.. room drained.. Dasha neutralized..  we moved the body to what was left of the Armory, to throw it in the furnace and destroy it. She still fought back, dealing me a harsh knock to the lekku that left me incapacitated for much of the battle. I was relieved when her body was disposed of for good.

   Until I learned of her spirit.

   I had just gotten finished dealing with her ilk, and now..  now she is haunting me. The void take her, already. If this is punishment for my own act of revenge, then... no. I haven't learned my lesson. Not after she tortured the others, took my leg, dumped us all, and destroyed the base.

   It's gone. It's been bombed into ruins. Most everything in the basements was protected, but all the upper levels are destroyed. We are carrying through with our plans to evacuate, and Keren.....  he intends to "hold the line" with his men for as long as it takes, if there should be another attack. I suggested before that that we leave some things behind- take only the bare of what we need, but he was dead set on not letting any more jedi relics fall to the empire. I couldn't describe what I was thinking. If I could have told him, I would have- and I almost did -that he has shown such a commitment to perserving this knowledge that he has proven, to me at least, to have the spirit of the Ceterus with him. I said nothing, not only because it's not my place, but because I was afraid he would take it the wrong way. I told him, only, that I was grateful to him.

   Where there is great darkness in the galaxy, thank the force there is great light as well. Keren, and his actions, reminds me that those like Dasha can be faced.

   Rebuild. Move on. Unite. Fight.

   ...and remember what it took to do it.



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