Monday, August 29, 2011

Entry #52

*The familiar man's steady stride moves through a sequence of ray sheilds. As he nears the end of his journey, you can hear a buzzing electrical sound. The steps and the buzzing stop soon after he passes the last sheild.*

   Why are you keeping me here? I was only persuing my mission.

   Your mission was to find and contact Keren, not to attack him.

   My mission was to question him! *Her voice cuts in sharply* You of all people should know my methods.

   Your methods? Your methods when dealing with an enemy, I'm sure!

   He is the enemy. He betrayed us all, and put White Thunder in danger. He freed Diana, and broke my trust. The walking mind-fuck! Mocking me even as he confessed his crime...   calling me his "friend" as he tries to lecture me...   twisting my words to turn promises I never made against me...   Whether he's a fool or a con-man he should burn all the same!

   He is neither, and he will not "burn" on my watch. He had a reason for doing what he did. Your mission was to find that reason, not punish him for his actions. As for your "methods" they would be disturbing to me even if you did use them to confront an enemy.

   I did nothing different from that which I have done before.

   ....but you called on the dark side to do it.

*There is a dead silence for a few moments before he continues.*

   The dark side is not defined by actions themselves, but the reasons for which they are performed, the purposes which they serve, and the state of mind you act in. You know this principle well, when it protects you from the dark side, but there is another side to the coin. Even if what you did was justifiable, you know you acted in darkness...

   ...and if I did?

   There's no sense in fighting my fate. I've seen a glimpse of it firsthand. I've heard it predicted. There's not a moment I don't feel myself sliding toward it. I tried to end it.. I tried to fight it.. I tried to warn you- all of you! Nobody believed me! Now you act surprised!? Leave me alone! Just let me go, so I can at least salvage what fight I have left in me before I'm completely lost, and at least have the dignity of dying in battle where I belong!  I have strayed, but I have not broken my oath yet..  let me serve you the only way I can..  before it's all over...

   No. You can not fight darkness by giving into it any more than I could fight the Emperor by entering his service. It will not let you get anywhere near defeating it- it will have you right where it wants you...  just as the Emperor would have had me had I continued my plan to assassinate him. You may think you are serving the greater good, but you will only end up serving darkness.

   If you will not allow me to leave..  *Lightning can be heard sparking up, and gathering energy.* ...then you will have forced me to find my own way....

*The audiolog clatters as it is tossed to the ground. The man takes two heavy steps back.* When you wake up..  listen to this. Wake up? *She is cut off by the sharp sound of a dart cutting through the air. You can hear her collapse in a heap on the floor, as the sedative immediately takes effect. As cool and steadily as ever, the man's footsteps leave the room. The ray-sheilds re-activate as he walks away.*



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