Blake Breil'lya Turncoat.
Yes, clan Alya approved the use of Breil'lya as a middle name. I'm not to use it "As a last name on any legal documents, or attempt to claim any clan affiliation, or political position" but that's OK. Never wanted that anyway. All we wanted was to honor a friend.
That was months ago. I've niglected this record, in the meantime. As usual there's much to report... and as usual I'll probably be mentioning it in passing if at all for the sake of moving on and keeping the record going.
Scince then, I have "died" and Blake has been born. A Lokian named Jakcen found me hiding out ad training in the Agrilat Swamp, and after hearing a bit of my story, offered to help fake my death to take the heat off me. He passed the story along to a friend who owed him a favor, and that story made it all the way to the holonet. According to reports, I attacked Jakcen on his ship with my lightsaber, and he killed me, and spaced the body fearing I might come back as a zombie. In reality, I'm staying at one of his safehouses in Aventine, taking advantage of the heat dying down to take it easy for a while and take care of Blake.
I intended to retire, actually... but I should have known better than that. Keren came to see me... and he needed my help. I couldn't turn him away. Not again. Not scince Virantis. Besides, I trust he won't call me for actual combat unless he absolutely has to. I took a couple minutes... two minutes.... to take my rest, before I gave him my answer. A "yes", of course.
Plo wasn't too happy to hear about that, especially scince I couldn't tell him exactly what I was doing-- just that he'd have to be turning his bug-cams off for a little while. I guess that makes us even, though, because truth be told I'm not to happy with some of his recent dealings either. He promised he wouldn't get involved with the spice trade. Like an idiot, I beleived him, but he ended up betraying that promise. When I found out, I locked him in my chamber in the workshop. I had intended to feed him all the kark-blasted spice he could take, and then some, and watch him go through the withdrawls... just so he would understand exactly what he was getting into. My nerve failed me, though. I let him go, and he went with Zan to drag him into void knows what, and I snuck off to the balcony and cried like a weak little bitch. I don't know what to do now. I failed-- bet on the wrong pod. He's gotten too close to us already, and if I can't help him... well.. I'll have to do my duty, to ensure the family's safety.
Bloody hell. No rest.
Well.. at least there has been some measure of mercy in my dreams. The nightmares have.. not ceased.. but settled, I think. I'm almost certain it's all connected to whatever Keren did when Blake was born. The day she was born, there was a massive disturbance in the force that tremored through all of Lok like a quake. With no time to get off the planet, I could tell then that it was do or die. I went to the scource of the disturbance, and found Keren already there, along with several other jedi I didn't know. We were all there for the same reason. We came to a small complex in the middle of the desert, filled with traps and pitfalls, and alchemically altered creatures growing in tubes. Though I shied away from the combat, my sight, at least, was useful in detecting the traps that were laid ahead of us. Though we got out of the complex with the information we needed, I failed to see the mission through to the end. It was just like on Korriban, when the twins were born. The disturbance in the force was too much.. and I'd started going into labor. When we got to the pickup point, I could barely walk.
Father took me to the hospital, and called the family to aid us. I blacked out, and fell into a healing trance, trying to fight back the force-corruption that was already a part of me and keep it from Blake. In a while, I heard Keren's voice in my mind, and saw him in the dreamstate. His image was decked out like some kind of ancient knight. Losing my battle against the corruption, I asked him to use his force-light on us to protect the baby. I expected that straight light-energy would kill me, but he did something different that I still don't understand. I think he made some kind of circle between us, and channeled the force-light through it, so that the shadows that tried to attack us broke themselves against his armor. Also, somehow, I could have sworn I sensed Stlian somewhere in the dreamstate trying to absorb our pain to aid us. Father said it was impossible, but "impossible" is a flexable word. I could never tell, though, because I lost touch. I didn't die.. but I found myself alone in a world between the dreamstate and the netherworld of the force. I could see the physical world on the other side of the glass, but couldn't break through it. A shadowy hand reached through the glass, and wanted to pull me back, but Keren came up from behind me and turned me away from it. He pulled me through the barrier himself, and as it happened, the shadowy figure passed straight through us and disappeared into the void. I blanked out. Everything was silent, and blank, and hollow, and too bright to see anything in. When I came to, I could hear Mother's voice, and Blake's crying. She gave me my child, and we were all alive, and everything was all right.
We stayed in the hospital for a while. I was too weak to be moved for a couple days, and for a little while after that, I couldn't even wear armor or walk long distances. We were healthy, though, and many harmful effects of the corruption were undone. I no longer have to worry about killing someone just by touching them, for example. Mother explains it as the corruption being like a scar, wheras before it was like an open wound. It's still there. I still feel it. Yet, I've been granted a measure of rest from it-- a chance to re-learn control.. and hopefully not re-injure myself. I've begun to walk, now, and can wear -some- armor, but I'm still not one-hundred percent. I intend to take advantage of this while I can. Second chances don't come cheap.. or often.
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